Sonntag, 15. Februar 2015

A Bumpy Start...?

Dear friends, family, cats, spiders and whoever else is interested to find out about my ultimate French experience: BONJOUR ET BIENVENUE!
I originally wanted to write this blog in french but then decided against it since the majority of the readers probably wouldn't understand it too well and also, at this stage, my French isn't quite good enough to write entertaining blog entrances with.
So, moving on. Now I will try to tell you all about my first two weeks in France.
So it all started out with me sitting on a train at about seven o'clock in the morning across from Mom and next to a Lady reading Fifty Shades of Gray (sorry, this may seem irrelevent but... well in the end it is!) on our way to the Zurich airport. At this point just a short interruption: yes, you read correctly I went from Basel to Zurich by train to take a plane to Paris...but anyway. I shlepped my heavy suitcase and backpack to the check in where we met a volunteer (rather old, with mustache)who gave me my boarding pass etc. Then Michelle (the only other person going to France at this time) arrived and after checking our bags and sitting around in a crappy Cafe for twenty minutes we said our goodbyes and went through security escorted by our FTP volunteer. That's where I first went wrong, dam dam DAM! I had left my huge pair of scissors in my pencil case and it was sad! (No really, theyz was some damn good scissors!) Once at our gate we were left alone to take a Snapchat-selfie, go to the bathroom and finally just wait there, really nervous, to board the plane. When it was time I started frantically looking for my boarding pass--but it was GONE! I ran to the toilet and when the cubicle was free I raced inside and phew, there it all was. So yeah, we boarded the plane, held hands during take off and had a smooth flight. In Paris we were picked up by yet another (old) voluteer and met some peeps who had just arrived. For lunch we got sandwiches fro Paul (!) and then got onto a bus that brought us to a hotelish place for the weekend. In the course of that day all the people spending the semester here with AFS arrived (about 60, I think). We did orientation games, played "Rundlauf" (like table tennis but you run around the table) with neither rackets nor rules, had our first French cafeteria experience (not to bad, though according to the now younger volunteers very bad!) We had a pretty lame bus tour of Paris (it wasn't really a lame bus tour it was more just lamebecause it was a bus tour, to clarify.) That night there was a discoish occasion with the returnees from the last semester and we got our travel information.
The next day we got up at the crack of dawn to meet our families! I was on a train to Poitiers with three others who are spending they're semester in Poitou- Charentes. So we got there and were greeted by some old voluteers and our families (mine was late) and a picture was taken. Then we were off. After about 2 seconds off confusion I started talking to my family. We had lunch in Poitiers and then we drove to their house. (I slept.)
I started school on Tuesday. My school is BiiG! It was a bit scary...buut the first lesson was a German exam (which I thought was good but then failed because I didn't know what verb form to dumb). But it turns out the people are very nice and fun! Wow, the days are long here, though! I get up at 6:00 and catch a bus at seven. School starts at eight and we normally eat around 12:30. Then we have afternoon school until 18:00 (except Wednesday). So of course these first days in school have been very tiring and somewhat confusing but I'm OK. I now have a French phone number by the way. It's to be acquired by personal contact with me.
So I was sick from Wednesday evening until yesterday. I had the flu and it was quite horrible. I was well taken care of though. I had a fun experience at the doctors: even with an appointment you have to wait like an hour...yes! Oh I forgot, I made cookies for a friend of mine named Ines for her birthday:)
So now I'm ready to start off onto life again tomorrow because I've been very bored these past few days... Oh and also I'm going to start flute lessons and will participate in Le Grand Spectacle (a theater project with lots of people from AFS)
So I'm sorry this entrance was very badly written and rushed at the end but my hist parents are home with their grand kids and I'm off :)

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